you are stardust.

Astrology Readings

Are you ready to live in harmony with the universe?

Have you ever looked back on a time in your life and wish you could explain how and why? Have you ever felt confused as to your purpose in this lifetime? Or wondered why certain challenges continue to arise?

Astrology is the language to our soul and holds the key to these questions.

Each one of us of is born with a distinct map to navigate this life, defined by the influences of the stars.

This is your SOULPRINT.

It’s your personal guide to uncover your secret gifts, heal yourself, and live a more conscious and soulful life.

An astrology consultation will reveal your soulprint and through the lens of the cosmos, you can begin to understand your psyche and evolve into your highest self.



Initial 60-min birth chart reading: $108*

Includes an introduction to your unique soulprint — and how the influences of the sky set the template for living.

We’ll discuss the qualities of the sun and moon in your chart, your rising sign, and your most important planet(s). We’ll uncover your inherent creative potential and how to use your personal gifts to live an empowered and soulful life.

We’ll also look at important life themes or current transits, including road blocks. While my lens is through Western astrology, I love to weave in yogic and Ayurvedic science — such as mantras, meditations, or nutritious tips — to help you awaken your potential and move through these traps.

After your consultation, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of who you are and have tools to live an extraordinary life, aligned with your true purpose. Continue the work with a private coaching sessions.

{Practicalities} For an in-depth reading, it’s best to know the exact time and place of your birth.

*Scholarship pricing is available.

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder there is a secret order.”

— Carl Jung

schedule a READING

If you’re curious or ready to uncover your soulprint, please complete the form or email me and we will schedule a call.

{Practicalities.} For an in-depth reading, it’s best to know the exact time and place of your birth.